Ledoux light-About the three phase of track spot light
It’s very common in retail shops,museum and show rooms to use the track spot light, because the feature of easy and flexible to install the track spot light. However, do you know there are many kinds of track adapter and with different usage. If you can have the right way to use the track light, then help to save money and labour.
Here attached one photo. It can see one track is installed many track spot light on it. By studying it’s one circuit track system. If turn on light, then all track light is on; if turn off light, then all track light is off.
About this one circuit track system, if want to turn on one part of track light at a special time, then have to install more than one track system and be workable.
Actually, there is not only one circuit track system, but also have optional of two wires, three wires, four wires, and six wires track system. Today we will show how to use the four wires track system and usage.
Four wires track often with three circuits track system and DALI dimmable one circuit track system.
four wires three circuits track system
It can see there is four copper cores in the track ( Naught line sharing use, independent live line), which form three independent circuit)
▲Here attached the CE standard four wires three phase track system.
It can see there is four copper cores inside the track. Three Live lines, one Naught line. By controlling the three Lives and turn on the track spot light on the track at different circuits.
How to install the four wires three phase system? We show the below steps.
▲Here attached the connecting box of four wires three phase track
The left one is common version of four wires three phase track adapter
The right one is mini version of four wires three phase track adapter
The four wires three phase track must match the four wires three phase track adapter
▲By installing the track adapter on the four wires three phase track, then will from a simple separated electricity power control system.
▲Here attached another photos to show how to control only one track spot light at special time. And even want to achieve have the function of dimmable. Then will have another four wires of track system- four wires one circuit DALI dimmable track.
four wires one circuit DALI dimmable track
The connecting of four wires one circuit DALI dimmable track
Theconnecting of 0~10v DALI dimmable track
The below will show the ways how to use the four wires one circuit DALI dimmable track.
Comparing the four wires three phase track system, the left part, there are only L and N lines for connecting power;
And the right part, there are two DALI signal control lines.
Attached the DALI four wires one circuit structure.
It can see the difference between the four wires thee phase track system.The L,N and the earth line connect the inside clip; The signal lines of D1,D2 connect the middle connector and without positive and negative signs. But if 0~10v, it will add the positive and negative signs for the signal lines.
Normally, all the track adapter has been assemble the L,N and earth lines and DALI signal lines before delivery. Only install the related track adapter install the track when you purchase the track spot light with track adapter from LEDOU LIGHT.