The world’s longest cross sea bridge, the Hong Kong-Zhu hai-Macao Bridge, in Zhuhai city, that connects the east and west sides of the Pearl River Delta in South China officially open on Tuesday Oct,2018.It cost 100 billion and with 55km which consists of a Main Bridge in Mainland waters together with the boundary crossing facilities and link roads within three places. It is called “ the seventh miracle of the modern world”.
It consists of a Main Bridge in Mainland waters together with the boundary crossing facilities and link roads within the three places.
The night scene of the Zhuhai port in HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao
Now let’s have an overview of the lighting system of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao and the artificial island.There are two parts. One is functional lighting, the other is the decorated lighting The night scene lighting design mainly appear in the two artificial islands, which like a pair of jade.
Lingdingyang’s brilliant scene at night
The lighting design in the artificial islands
Two islands with length 625m, width 183m and 225m, total around 100000sqm. They look like the oyster living in the sea. Zhuhai famous for its oyster, the two islands uprising in the sea and connecting by the sub-sea tunnel
How to make a design to display the perfect pair of the two islands?Designers used the different building materials,color and accompanied the lighting. All will show the scene of “pearl raising the sea”.
The western island mainly work for the transportation,management,services and rescue, etc. However, there is more viewing facilities in the eastern island. So we will see more lighting design will display in the eastern island.
Let’s analyze the buildings of the two islands. The building shade of all the buildings with very simple and clean look. The buildings are combined glass wall and the concrete.Which will help the different lighting fixture to have very good installation. Most are flood lighting and mix special accent lighting to make the building with glowing scene at night on the sea.
With the diffuser lighting, which can’t see the light but light one the diffuser. It helps the cars with a good and soft lighting environment for transportation.
The wave wall with the lighting design, which add more brilliant for the the whole buildings.
The lighting for indoor and ceiling,the outdoor corridor lighting and the step lights.
By viewing the indoor lighting design, the lighting nearby the windows are controlled by the one circuit. Looks very comfortable.
The outdoor underground lighting can reflect the quality of the buildings.
The outdoor step lights in the western islands which are used the movable decorative lighting fixture.It’s very perfect that they can change the different color temperature by different time. The lighting with warm or elegant ambience.
By considering the working time and the break time and the energy saving issue, we design three time interval( 18:00~22:00,22:00~24:00 ,24:00~06:00 ) ;
The Hong Kong-Macao-Zhuhai bridge was built which help to save time between the transportation . It only take around 1 hour between the three place. It’s really great news for the peoples who visit the Hong kong and Macao.